With an open heart we invite you for three hours of Embodied Yin™ and Sound Theraphy exploration. An opportunity to pause, reconnect, to feel in and immerse yourself in the beauty of simply being alive, as we dive into the mystery and magic of what it means to simply Be a human Being.
This powerful offering is an invitation to leave all the judgement at the door and give yourself permission to walk into a meeting of your most authentic self. Nothing to gain, nothing to perfect, nothing to force... A journey of homecoming, to discover and rediscover, to heal and to nurture. To find deep rest and softening through tools of Embodied movement, Somatics, meditation, mantra and Sound healing.
Embodied Yin™ with Alex Zalewska
Embodied Yin™ is an intuitive, embodied and explorative somatic practice that allows us to slow down and truly listen to the inner promptings of the body. We will explore long-held postures and practices with an attitude of loving-kindness and curiosity. Celebrating our uniqueness and reclaiming trust in our bodies wisdom. Yin is one of the greatest eye opener inwards, towards our limitless spirit that manifests as our bodymind and soul.
Working with fascial planes, supported by the Chinese Medicine Philosophy and wisdom of Embodied Flow™, we will dive deep into the essence of our true Body Nature.
Sound Theraphy with Sabira Jade
Gentle Therapeutic Sound Bath using voice percussion and singing bowls. This part of the immersion will be an opportunity for you to simply rest, disconnect from the outside world and go within. The sound waves encourage a relaxed state like meditation, helping us to move from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system. Your senses may become heightened, dropping into a deeper level of awareness and consciousness where you may begin to process and gain insight into your human experiences...